Starting with a Blank Report Type


Previous examples showed how to create a banded report using the List and Mailing Labels report types. The other report types available in the Banded Report Wizard include List, Tabular, Form Style, and Mailing Labels. If none of these report types suits your needs, you can create a custom report using the Blank report type.

Create a New Report

Select the Blank report type. The Banded Report Editor appears as follows:

Banded report editor with a blank report type loaded.

None of the bands or database fields are shown as is done with the other Report Types. With the Blank Report Type you must create bands and band contents manually.

Adding Bands

To add bands, click the appropriate band icon then click anywhere within the Editor and the band will be created.  Do this repeatedly for each band that you need to create. 

The following are the icons for creating new bands. They are located on the Band Report Editor toolbar.

Icon Description
Create a new band icon Create a new band
Create a new child band Create a new child band
Create new sub detail band Create a new sub detail band
Create new band group icon Create a new band group

Adding Fields and Objects

To add a field or object, click the corresponding icon for the object (see the table below) then click in the band where you want the object to reside.

The icons below are located in the Band Report Editor toolbar.

Icon Description
Add a text field icon Add text field.
Add a memo Add a memo.
Add image Add an image.
Add a primary image Add a primary shape.
Add a system data field icon Add a system data field.
Add expression field icon. Also commonly referred to as the e equals m c squared icon. Add an expression field. Also commonly referred to as the icon.
Add rich text field icon Add rich text field.
Add a chart icon Add a chart,
Add a line grid icon Add a line grid.
Add a database field icon Add a database field.
Add image from database icon Add an image from the database.